Sunday, August 28, 2022

1st Blog Post!

There are many reasons as to why I chose to study Japanese. The first being my interest in anime. I started watching anime in middle school and was always intrigued with how expressive Japanese voice actors were. That's how I became interested in the language. Then as I started watching realistic anime and J-Dramas, I became interested in visiting Japan. Since then, I knew I needed to learn Japanese before I was to go. I knew the best way for me to go to Japan and learn Japanese was to go to college and study abroad in Japan and here I am! Japan is so full of history and culture that I'm very eager  to learn and experience. In order for me to experience Japan to the fullest, learning and knowing the language will definitely make a difference. I'm also eager to learn a language that is so different from other languages and will challenge me. I can't see myself taking another language and that's further motivation for me to continue learning despite how hard it will be. I can't wait to learn and take this journey! わくわく😄

