Monday, September 5, 2022

Week 2 Post!


This weekend, I was feeling kind of down about being sick so I decided to watch my favorite comfort anime: My Love Story!! I first watched this anime back in middle school when I was going through a romance anime phase. This anime gave me everything I needed. It was pure, wholesome, comedic, deep, and random, all at the same time! Usually, I'm always watching shounen anime but this is the exception that I always go back to. The story is about this big high schooler named Takeo who has bad luck with girls because they all fall in love with his best friend Suna. One day, he saves this girl named Yamato on the train and she falls in love with him but he thinks she's in love with Suna. Suna tricks Yamato into confessing her feelings to Takeo and they end up together. The story then unfolds with unrequited love, family emergencies, rivals, misunderstandings, etc. Ughhh, chef's kiss!

As for how Hiragana and Chapter 2 is going, I can't lie and say that it is not hard. I'm still trying to memorize the symbols and learn how to decipher the audio materials. However, I know that with due practice and diligence, I will get the hang of it! My handwriting is getting better and I practice my diction a lot. As much as there is of things that I need to work on, there also things that I do well. I hope that anybody else struggling or needing any encouragement focus on the things they are doing well and reach out for help when needed. For me and everyone else: がんばれ!📣

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