Monday, February 20, 2023

2/20 Listening!

水曜日のカンパネラ - バッキンガム / THE FIRST TAKE

I had come across this video on YouTube and thought the video cover was interesting. I thought that from her image that she'd be singing a metal or rock song but I was pleasantly surprised to hear this pop electric vibe and for her to rap. Especially because she was dressed in this extravagant, sequined, colorful ballgown and had intricately styled and colored hair. I loved how expressive and cute she was during some parts of the song and how she easily switched back to serious. As for my Japanese practice, I was first able to recognize the kanji and katakana in her name and the katakana in the title. I used Japanese subtitles when I first watched the video and I was able to recognize the numbers she was singing and heard にある a lot. and also recognized the kanji: 大、山、川、間 、田、分、and 食. I also recognized that she was saying a lot of katakana words and I translated them and recognized she was rapping European palace names. The whole song was repetitive so I was able to catch on after a while. I really enjoyed watching the video and being able to better my katakana practice.

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